Weather Information

BVEA Weather Information

BVEA's Weather Station Information Page

Watch...The History of Electric Cooperatives

BVEA has installed a new state of the art Davis Weather Station. It provides a great deal of up to the minute real time weather information.  Every measure has been taken to ensure its accuracy and reliability.

We currently upload our information to 3 different weather reporting sites that all provide different amounts of information, but all the info comes from our 1 station.

Current Weather is our own custom weather page that we have created based on our members needs.

Weather Underground provides 10 day forecasting, histories, astronomical data as well as satellite, radar and webcams. *NOTE* Although the information is from BVEA's weather station this site is owned by Weather Underground and contains content that is not the responsibility of BVEA.

We also have a mobile app that you can get for both Android and Apple IOS by going to either Google Play or the App Store and searching for "WeatherLink". Once you have installed it Click the + button and search for BVEA and select it then tap done.



Bridger Valley Electric
40014 Business Loop I-80
Lyman, WY 82937
Phone: (307) 289-0776
Fax: (307) 368-0931

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